Dear Prospective Sponsor,
The 2023 Bar Stool Races enjoyed record snow and record crowds with well over 2,000 attendees, but as you know, 2024 was a much different story. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers who gave up countless nights of sleep making snow and 19,000 gallons of water, the Drummond Dirt & Sno-Jacks hosted one of the few winter events in all Northern WI! While crowds were about 65% from the previous year, we heard from sponsors that the event had a positive impact on area businesses, many who struggled due to the lack of winter tourism.
This year is a milestone for our club! Not only are we celebrating our 55th anniversary as a snowmobile club but this year marks the 25TH ANNIVERSARY of the Drummond Bar Stool Races!! Just imagine 25 years of crazy people bolting bar stools to skis, occasionally in subzero weather! Even more impressive are you, our supporters and the countless volunteers who have dedicated time making this event happen over 25 years!
While Mother Nature may have a say in how much work we must do, the event continues to grow every year. If you haven't been able to attend over the past two years, we’ve relocated to an amazing venue at Drummond Lake Park and, thanks to the Town of Drummond, we have an amazing hill for the event. Not to be outdone by our friends to the South, we too have a RACER VILLAGE which includes a heated pavilion, great music, food, beverages, apparel, raffles and much more. As always, we welcome your thoughts and ideas as we strive to expand the event. An ATV bingo ride, kids tubing races (with prizes) and an ice rink are currently in consideration.
There are three ways to give:
Return the self-addressed return envelope with your check to PO Box 124, Drummond, WI 54832
Go online to www.dirtandsno-jacks.com and make payment by credit card.
Drop us a note on Facebook, email us at drummondsnojacks@gmail.com or text (Alyssa Friermood at (715) 580-0562 or Jeff Zeilenga at (573) 268-3635) and we can come by and pick up your donation.
Thank you for your continued support of snowmobiling and ATV riding in our communities!
Alyssa & Jeff